Burn more calories during your workouts and throughout your day

October 13th 2011
CATEGORIES: Cardio Health, Consumer Blogs

Burn more calories during your workouts and throughout your day

The higher your body mass index, the greater your risk of developing hypertension. So if your exercise isn’t taking off the inches, it may be time to do more. While there’s no magic pill to make you skinnier, adding MegaNatural®-BP to your daily regimen may accelerate the calories burned during and after exercise by as much as 60 percent in addition to helping lower your blood pressure.

MegaNatural®-BP belongs to a class of dietary supplements known as thermogenics. They raise your body’s core temperature and may raise your metabolic rate.

There are other ways to increase your daily calorie burn. Take a half hour walk at a very moderate pace and easily burn more than 100 calories. It’s a great activity for your lunch break or an alternative to the post-dinner sitcom.

Look for ways to move instead of sitting still. Standing for an hour while you check your emails and catch up with friends on Facebook burns on average 65 more calories than sitting. Take it up a notch by pacing as you read a document or talk on the phone and you could burn about 100 more calories an hour. Tap your toes while sitting at your desk to exert extra energy. Burning calories from these extra movements is known as Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. NEAT activities are estimated to burn an additional100 to 150 calories an hour.

Go for the biggest calorie burn in the shortest amount of time. While shopping for an hour could burn 100 calories (not to mention burning a hole in your bank account), just 25 minutes of stress-busting yoga burns double the calories. Experts estimate that jogging burns a whopping 650 calories an hour versus only about 250 calories for weight lifting. But you can’t rely on cardio alone. Pumping iron increases your calorie burn throughout the entire day since the muscles that keep your body functioning burn more calories than body fat.

Still, many activities have the same calorie burn so there’s no excuse to get stuck in a rut. You would burn the same amount of calories (about 575) going for a one-hour hike or spending one hour swimming laps.

There’s no dramatic calorie loss from sitting around so make sure to choose a workout you’ll want to finish. Research shows you may exercise longer when music distracts you from feeling tired and sore. Try an activity with built-in music such as ballroom dancing which typically burns 250 calories per hour. There’s a reason why those celebrities competing on TV lose so much weight!

Listen to an especially upbeat tempo and you may find you are pushing yourself even harder. The distraction doesn’t have to be noise. Get lost in the sights of nature while canoeing. After an hour you may have burned close to 300 calories.

Working out is still work but these tips may speed up the results. Find the best activity for you by considering your interests and motivation, and then compare the hourly calorie burn it offers.
